Prayer Requests
Prayer Meeting
Online Prayer meetings, every Wednesday at 8:15PM online.
會議編號 Google Meet ID: baw-kunm-anz
電話 Tel: +1 484-857-2399 PIN: 292 901 647#
The 4th Sunday from 2:30PM to 3:30PM, in chapel.
常常禱告 彼此代求
奉行真道: 「弟兄們,你們蒙召得了自由;只是不可把這自由當作放縱情慾的機會,總要憑著愛心互相服事。」(加5:13)
特別為在戰火中的宣教士代禱。 求主保守其安全及把福音帶到絕望的靈魂。
特別為加州山火禱告。 記念在災情中失去家園或生命的人。
求神差派工人。引領教會中/英文堂前面的道路,每週講員及各項事工。主日學老師。為尋牧委員會各成員, 理事祈禱。賜他們有美好身心靈服事的心。
為還在戰火中的國家及人民祈禱 – 俄烏、以色列/迦薩戰爭,緬典內亂等。
Pray without ceasing
David Lee: (Jackie Lee’s dad) went home to be with the Lord on 11/09. Please keep Jackie and Sarah in prayers and for God’s comfor t and presence to be with them.
Yong & Family: Helen went home to be with the Lord - keep Yong and family in prayers as they grieve and process, that the Lord’s presence would be even nearer to them at this time.
Pastoral Search Team: cur rently meeting either the dist r ict &CCA to search for new pastors.
p. Eva & Will: Please continue to pray for her health & pray for guidance and di rection!
STM: We welcome the Taiwan team back to NY! Please pray for Candy and Chr istina who will be joining the upcoming Japan STM (12/14-24)!
Missionary Bellamy (W. Congo): Pray for John Combest & Emily (colleague who assist with radio tech) - they had a car accident in North Congo: the children & Emily are okay but John has had head surgery. Thankfully missionary friends arrived and were able to rescue their belongings from the wreck. Please pray for healing & peace as they await transport to Brazzaville via ambulance.
C&MA Envision Aroma Ministries: in Taiwan: pray for the ministry and IW workers Chris/Jamie O’Dell as they return to the US for family matters & return to host the STM team in Nov. - pray for STM team (8) and those planning to join!
Silver Linings Missions: Please keep their many ministries in Myanmar in prayer.
Soueth & Syna - Cambodia: Please keep their many ministries in Anlong Veng & surrounding villages and areas in prayer!
Our Nation: Please pray for God’s strength and comfort for the families who lost loved ones from mass shootings - please keep our nation in prayers.
World Prayer: Please pray for the countries at war - conflicts in Israel, Ukraine, and Myanmar. Pray for the recent worldwide severe weather - floods, tornados and earthquakes!