2023日本短宣|2023 Japan STM

日本仙台 |Sendai, Japan
8/25 - 9/2, 2023

短宣隊代禱事項|STM team prayer requests

Pastor Percy:

Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Witness the work of the Lord | 見證主的工作

● Share the good news with Japanese people | 與日本人分享福音

● Learn and grow closer to God with this cross-cultural experience | 通過這種跨文化體驗學習並更接近上帝

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Opportunity to evangelize to the non-believers | 向非信徒傳福音的機會

● Able to witness the work of our Lord in a foreign land | 見證主的工作

● Travel safety | 短宣旅途上的安全


Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Obedience to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit | 服從聖靈的感動

● Experience God’s grace and provide all needs | 經歷神的恩典和供應

● Share the gospel with the Japanese and other nationalities | 與日本人和其他人分享福音

● Learn more about the cross-cultural mission | 學習跨文化宣教

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Opportunity to share my experiences with God to non-believers | 向非信徒傳福音的機會

● Family members accept Christ as their Savior | 家人接受基督為救主

● Have patience and wisdom to face challenges from a different culture |有耐性和智慧去面對不同文化的挑戰


Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● First time of STM, reaching the people out of my social circle | 第一次短宣,願踏岀個人固有的社交圈子接觸人群

● Had a calling to reach out to people in Japan and share Gospel | 有呼召去接觸日本人,並與其分享福音

● I love the culture of Japan! | 我愛日本文化!

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● God's healing and revival with Japanese church co-workers | 求上帝安慰和興起日本教會同工

● More people will hear the gospel | 願萬民聽聞福音

● Our team's schedule, rest, safety | 短宣隊的行程,作息和安全

● A good testimony of unity in Christ | 求能以在基督裏的合一作美好見證


Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Had a seed toward the unreached Japanese planted since 2016 and now has a chance to respond | 曾在2016年聽聞了日本未得之民的情況,現有機會回應上帝

● Want to explore if God put me in the field of Japan in the future | 想探索日本會否是我未來的工場

● Want to observe God’s amazing work in cross-cultural setting | 想藉跨文化事工,察看神工作的奇妙

● Want to share gospel to Japanese/ people who live in Japan | 願能與日本人/日本居民分享福音

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Being sufficiently equipped | 能有足夠的裝備

● Pray for prepared open heart of people we will meet in the trip | 求神預備每一個我們會在短宣遇見的人的心

● May God strengthen our faith when planning | 在籌劃的過程中,願神使我們的信心充足增長

● Our individual spiritual life with God and physical health | 每個隊員與上帝關係的堅立和身體健康

Ying Hong:

Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Experience God’s grace more in a different culture | 願從其他文化中更深經歷神的恩典

● Share gospel | 傳福音

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Pray for safe and smooth travels to and from Japan, and for protection while in the country | 為前往及離開日本的旅途,祈求平安順利,並為在旅途中受到保護而祈禱

● Pray for good health and stamina, as mission trips can be physically and emotionally taxing | 為健康和體力祈禱,因为宣教旅行可能會帶來身體和情感上的負擔

● Pray that language and cultural barriers will be overcome, and that the mission team will be able to effectively communicate and build relationships with the Japanese people | 祈求克服語言,和文化障礙,使宣教隊能够有效地與日本人溝通和建立關係

● Pray that the Japanese people the mission team encounters will have open hearts and be receptive to the Gospel message | 祈求宣教隊所遇到的日本人能够心靈敞開,接受福音信息

● Pray for the mission team to have boldness and courage in sharing their faith, and for God to open doors for them to share the Gospel | 祈求宣教隊在分享信仰時有膽量和勇氣,也祈求上帝為他們開啟分享福音的大門

● Pray that the mission team will work well together and be united in purpose, and that any conflicts

or differences will be resolved in a spirit of love and grace | 祈求宣教隊能够良好地協作和團結一致,以及任何分歧都能以愛和恩典的精神解决

● Pray that the mission team will have many opportunities to serve the people of Japan, and that their service will be a reflection of God's love and compassion | 祈求宣教隊能够有很多為日本人服 事的機會,他們的服事能够反映上帝的愛和憐憫

● Pray that the mission team will grow spiritually through their experiences in Japan, and that their hearts will be transformed by God's love and grace | 祈求宣教隊通過在日本的經歷得到靈性成長, 他們的内心能够被上帝的愛和恩典所改變

● Pray for protection from any spiritual attacks or opposition that may come their way | 祈求保護免 受任何屬靈攻擊或反對

● Pray that the mission trip will have a lasting impact on both the mission team and the people of Japan, and that many lives will be changed for the better as a result | 祈求短宣对宣教隊和日本人 民都能產生持久的影響,並且許多人的生命會因此得到改變


Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Experience cross-cultural gospel sharing and the life of a missionary in Japan | 經歷跨文化傳福音 和體驗日本宣教士的生活

● Regain exposure to Japan to better understand their needs | 重新接觸日本而更明白當地的需要

● Continue to grow my missional heart | 繼續建立一顆宣教心 

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Get over jet lag quickly (I always have sleeping issues) | 儘快倒完時差 (我一直有睡眠問題)

● Team members can support each other and be filled with joy | 短宣隊員能互相支持,充滿喜樂

● God to bring people to us to hear the gospel | 神帶領人來到我們當中聆聽福音


Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Witness God's work in a foreign land | 見證上帝是如何在日本作工

● Learn about the real needs of the local church and encourage one another | 瞭解日本當地教會的


● Build meaningful cross cultural relationships | 與當地人建立跨文化友好的關係

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Build friendships with locals | 與日本當地人建立友誼

● Getting enough sleep and maintaining good physical health | 有足夠的睡眠,並能保持良好的身體健康

● Being able to learn simple Japanese and to communicate and evangelize to non-believers | 能夠學習簡單的日語,並與非信徒交流和傳福音

● Sharing testimony in public | 在公共場合分享見證


Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Want to visit Japan and experience the culture over there | 想去日本看看和體驗當地的文化

● Want to share my testimony with local people | 想和當地人分享我信主經歷

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Hope no jet lag | 可以快速適應時差

● Have opportunities to spread gospel to non-believers | 有機會向未信人傳福音

● Hope stay safe and healthy during the trip | 整個旅途都沒有生病

Nesta C-Mo:

Reasons to go on this STM | 為什麼我參加日本短宣

● Listen and follow God’s Commands to evangelize to near and far | 聆聽並遵從上帝的命令向近處和遠方傳福音

● Witness God’s Mighty Works in Sendai, which is part of the heart hardened soul-hungry piece of land, with all the faithful and respectable international workers | 與所有忠心竭誠可敬的宣教士一 起在仙台這一塊屬靈的硬土、並靈魂飢渴的土地上見證 神的大能作為

● Experience God’s Words in a deeper relationship during this M3 STM and grow my faith stronger with our STM team | 在這個不同言語與文化宣教的日本之旅期間,冀盼能更新進深與上帝的關係, 並體驗上帝話語的應許,及與短宣團隊一起增長信心

● Wholeheartedly Support our international workers in their serving field and firsthand to know their serving target community’s needs | 盡心地支持宣教士在仙台的服事,並掌握第一手了解他們服事 的遠景和目標及教會身處社區的需要

Prayer requests | 我的代禱事項

● Let the Gospel events for the Japanese community and the worship night for the serving international workers as well as their families experience God’s love, abundance and richness so that our STM team can glorify Christ Jesus, our Redeemer King, in Sendai | 讓服事在仙台的宣教士 及其家人的敬拜之夜、並短宣隊在仙台社區的福音佈道工作,能使他們體驗神的慈愛、豐盛和信實 的大能,也使在仙台街頭福音站的接觸者得着榮耀的主基督

● Be patient and joyous to collaborate our gifts and talents with brothers and sisters to serve in unity | 要有耐心和喜樂,與弟兄姊妹合作我們的恩賜和才幹,合一服事

● Let our Father LORD completely heal my aftershock and any hidden residual discomfort of the physical fall since late March | 讓我們的父神完全治愈我頭部在跌傷後的餘震和自三月下旬以來身 體跌倒的任何隱藏的殘餘不適