10/27/2024 報告事項
下星期日夏令時間結束, 星期六睡前把時間撥慢一小時. 星期日有五區馬拉松
今年的鞋盒事工已經開始. 您可以自己包裝鞋盒,也可請教會為您包裝鞋盒,11/10是報名的最後一天。每盒奉獻$25用作購買禮物,外加$10的運費。我們將在 11/17 一起打包鞋盒。 請在 11/17 前帶回所有鞋盒。請聯繫Amy Siu , Mark Chan登記
2025年理事: 陳德成, 蔡永超, 張雄熙 及現任理事馬美莉,何柏林,戴宏志及李雪琼. 求神繼續不斷帶領恩典及整個理事團隊
11月17日有特別會友大會. 議程為教牧變動. 區會 Dr. Jen 主持.請各位會友預留時間出席.
11/24 早上11點( 聯合感恩節崇拜).
為今年前往台灣(11/16-25) 和日本(12/14-12/24)短期宣教旅程禱告。為美杏, 裕生, 麗芬及超悅祈禱神準備好他們的心
今年的差傳預算$42,100. 九月至今收了12,516.16。餘下29,583.84
八月份教會常費奉獻收入 $19,767 及支出 $15,001.19。 八月份盈餘 $4,765.81.
EM Announcements 10.27.2024
✰ We welcome p. Louis Lam here with us again today to minister God’s Word!
✰ 2025 GB Members: Barry Chan, Wilson Tsoi and Benny Zhang with current GB members Mary Ma, Bailin He, Tim Tai & Susie Lee. May God continue to lead the church with unity. ✰ UPCOMING 2-day Christmas Event: Sat 12/21 & Sun 12/22! Invite your friends and family:)
• Sat 12/21: Churchwide activities include health information, acupuncture, recreational games at noon; Christmas caroling and light refreshments in the afternoon, and a celebration dinner, gifts and games in the evening!
• Sun 12/22: Youth-only celebration with games, food, sharing and gifts! Operation Christmas Child Shoebox! ✞🎄
✰ We will be participating again together this year! You can pack your own boxes, or have the church pack one for you with an offering amount of $25 per box (+$10 shipping fee) to cover the gifts as well as shipping :)
✰ 11/10 will be the last day to sign up to have the church pack a box for you - we will be gathering together on Nov 17 to pack the boxes together! Please bring in your box by Sun Nov 17 and join us in packing, praying and blessing those who will receive them!
General Offering: $19,767.00
General Expenses: $15,001.19
Net Surplus: $ 4,765.81
Online giving is now available via Tithe.ly - please visit our website at for details
Complete treasury reports can be viewed outside the church main entrance on the board to the right.
Operat ion Christmas Shoebox 11.17
Packing day at church!
ACTS/Samuel Fellowship 11.03
At 2:15-3:30 PM.
°。° LET'S MEET!。°。
English Sunday School - 12:00 PM
Children (Young) - 3rd Floor
Children (Older) - 2nd Floor Rm 2D
Jr. High - 1st Floor Fellowship Hall
High School - 2nd Floor Rm 2B
Young Adults - Virtually Wed PM
Adult - 2nd Floor Rm 2C
Acts/Samuel (Middle-High)
1st + 3rd Sundays - 2:15 PM
** Contact Barry C. for more details.